Life Insurance with Reducing Premiums!

Have you ever had a life insurance client who was not offered the best rate due to a minor risk? I bet that client was frustrated telling you, “But, I am perfectly healthy! I don’t want to pay additional premium for something that doesn’t affect me.” What if you could offer that same client an […]
Pacific Life Jumps into the Brokerage Term Market

Mike Love Insurance Marketing Partners with Pacific Life Insurance Company We are pleased to announce a new partnership with Pacific Life Insurance Company. Our team is dedicated to offering the best companies and products to our agents. We believe Pacific Life will make a valuable addition to our arsenal of term products. In a move […]
Key Person vs. Buy/Sell – Which is Appropriate?

We are often asked to explain the differences between Key Person Life Insurance and Life Insurance used to fund a Buy/Sell agreement. While they are both used in the business environment to ease the shock to the business if a partner dies prematurely, they have different purposes. The following is a short explanation of each. […]